

What’s going on in the JenaVersum in terms of science and research?
Where are the latest research findings presented and discussed?
Our calendar of events will help you find what you’re looking for.

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29. November 2024

Long Night of Science 2024

Save the date: The science event will take place in Jena in November … Read more

24. June 2024

Lecture by Andrea Wulf on Alexander von Humboldt

Free public lecture on Alexander von Humboldt by award-winning author Andrea Wulf … Read more

18. June 2024

OpenIRIS for JenaVersum: 1st user day

All interested partners and current and future users of the OpenIRIS platform in JenaVersum are invited to the event. … Read more

30. May 2024

Noble Talks: Public Lecture

Public lecture of the lecture series “Noble Gespräche” … Read more

28. May 2024

Diversity Day in Jena

Diversity Day Quiz … Read more

27. May 2024

Matching@JenaVersum Bioeconomy

Networking event for researchers within the network JenaVersum … Read more

8. May 2024

Exhibition opening “Bauhaus and National Socialism”

Exhibition “Bauhaus and National Socialism” from May 9 – September 24, 2024 in Weimar. … Read more

6. May 2024

EC2U Makeathon: Re-invent the Future

Interactive event: Submit a challenge or develop creative solutions in 24 hours … Read more

25. April 2024

Girls‘/Boys‘-Day: Jenaer Einrichtungen öffnen für interessierte Schüler*innen

Jena research institutions open their doors for young people. … Read more

7. April 2024

Exhibition opening “Sophie. Power. Literature”

The exhibition takes a critical look at Sophie’s achievements and explores the links between literature and politics. … Read more



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