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Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute

At a glance:

  • We combine microbial natural product research with infection biology, especially of human pathogenic fungi.
  • Microorganisms are the source of new natural products that can be used medicinally. We investigate their natural synthesis and function and optimize their biotechnological production.
  • Fungi can cause life-threatening infections that have been difficult to diagnose and treat. We investigate the molecular mechanisms of disease progression and develop new approaches for therapy, especially for resistant pathogens.

Microbial natural products serve as messengers for biological communication and are essential for our life. However, they play an ambivalent role: on the one hand, they are involved in triggering infectious diseases, on the other hand, they are one of the most important sources for drugs such as antibiotics.

Scientists at the Leibniz-HKI in Jena are researching the communication between microorganisms and the natural substances involved. They use the knowledge gained in this way to develop innovative solutions for the diagnosis and natural product-based therapy of diseases. The research results, their bioinformatic analysis and derived models contribute to the systems biology understanding of infections.


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Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology – Hans Knöll Institute

Beutenbergstraße 11a
07745 Jena

E-mail: info@leibniz-hki.de